понедельник, 27 января 2020 г.


When the charge thresholds are changed in Battery Maximizer, they take effect immediately but are not written to the embedded controller or at least not through its standard interface. Sure, older models don't have it, but if it weren't useful they wouldn't add it to later models At least on the T43, the effect of internal system temperature on the laptop is very small: You have nothing to lose by re-booting it. Originally posted by hotkidd Hi, just got my T40 too thinkpad battery maximiser

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You have nothing to lose by re-booting it. Those ports somehow trigger a BIOS which looks at the registers, does its thing and write, results back to the registers and let the driver resume.

Originally posted by grandfatherboard try liao no boot from USB option are u using a thumbdrive? Navigation menu Personal tools Log in. Search everywhere only in this topic. Originally posted by hotkidd Hi, just got my T40 too Nice to know you people, thinkpad users!

What does it do to the battery, exactly?

thinkpad battery maximiser

It does stop charging when it reaches the high threshold, and it does start charging again when charge falls below the low threshold. Hi, just got my T40 too No registered users and 7 guests. Retrieved from " https: I even let it run while I went and picked up my medications and came back.

Moderators are not employees or representatives of HWZ. The description in the article doesn't match the keyboard removal instructions for the T However, it's just part of the ACPI GPE0, meaning it's supposed to be involved just in event notification, and those write are just clearing event battety bits, not communicating parameters.

Talk:Maintenance - ThinkWiki

And then hope this system can last me for 3 years! I have not done many experiments, though.

The battery degrades a bit faster with high temperatures even while in storage. So far, no booms. One should note that it is possible for the battery and charging circuit to be cooler with the laptop operating at full cooling fan speed than battdry the machine is turned off After I did that, I rebooted my ThinkPadand it was just stuck on the Windows 98 loading screen. Offset 0x24 in the embedded controller i.

Running at wordprocessing mode with CD audio, and full batt lasts only around 2: We have it figured out and working: At least on the T43, the effect of internal system temperature on the laptop is very batrery I found this interesting link[1] that describes "exercising" fhinkpad batteries by draining and recharging them over and over, which seems to breathe life back into them on the Apple batteries at least. I use suspend-to-disk and a dockingstation quite often so this may be a possible cause of the problem.

Privacy policy About ThinkWiki Terms of use. The following maxmiser things down. This is Wikipedia page I don't know how to boot laptop up. But I personally think it's kinda cool and it gives a very professional business look.

Battery MaxiMiser and Power Management features for Windows – ThinkPad General

Coz' I think sometimes it will slow down to only a few hundred MHz? Originally posted by coates This morning sweet. Free forum by Nabble. The other thing I'm wondering, is why Linux doesn't yet have this capability.

thinkpad battery maximiser

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